Serving & Getting Involved

Sunday School
We provide classes for all ages beginning at 9:30 am on Sundays. Sunday School is a great way to form friendships and connections with others in your peer group!
Children’s Church
Children age 3-K meet in Celebration Station for Beginner’s Church and 1st-5th Grade meet in the River Kids Zone for Children’s Church each Sunday at 10:30 a.m.
Children age 3 through 5th Grade will enjoy being part of our AWANA Club on Wednesday Evenings from 6-7:30 p.m. An action-packed night full of friends, fun, games and learning spiritual truths!
Elk River Youth
Our youth group meets on Sundays at 6 pm & Wednesdays at 6:30 pm in the Loft. With many weekly worship opportunities to participate in, as well as fun-filled activities to join, Elk River Youth is an exciting place
to be!
Young Adults
Sunday nights are the time for young adults to gather in the Sanctuary Level Classroom at 6:00 pm for some great conversation and time in the Word.
Ladies Bible Study
A Bible Study group specifically for ladies meets on Monday mornings at 11 am in the Encouragers Classroom. A great opportunity to make some friends and gain insight! What are you waiting for?
Bible Study
Our Adult Group Bible Study meets on Wednesday Nights at 6:30 pm in the Sanctuary. Small group atmosphere, with plenty of room for questions and answers.
Men’s Ministry
Guys! We are standing with you! Whether joining in with our Men’s Prayer Breakfast, Men’s Night Out, Small Group Studies, or Men’s Bible Study 8:30 am on Wednesday Mornings in the Fellowship Hall, you are sure to find friends, support, and a place to grow your faith!
Ladies Ministry
With tons of activities like Ladies Night Out, Spiritual Retreats and Special Bible Study Groups, ladies are sure to find plenty of ways to get involved and connected!
Child Care
We provide safe and dependable childcare during all services at the church. We use a pager system in our nursery, so that parents can be reached if necessary.
Joy Club 55+
Activities planned for this group are fun, light-hearted and definitely full of joy! With JOY Club Luncheons, History Mystery Trips, Day Trips, and Special Speaker Series, there are many activities to choose from!
Discipleship Program
Our discipleship training program is the perfect platform for leadership stewarding. This program is perfect for pastors and those who are seeing training in this area in the Nazarene Church. Check it out!
Music & Drama
Musical? Feeling called to be part of our worship, music or drama ministry? It’s easy! Our Sanctuary Choir practices each Wednesday at 6:30 pm and there is room for you on the platform! Let’s do this!
Are you techie? Love helping out behind the scenes? We have opportunities for those who can mange sound, staging, social media and special lighting for services as well as larger performances.
Needles Ministry
If you like to volunteer and love making crafts, this ministry is for you! Needles makes and supplies lap blankets, walker organizers, and other items to area nursing homes and hospitals. Needles meet in the Fellowship Hall on Tuesdays from 10 am-Noon twice a month.
We have regular mission outreach in our community and worldwide through Nazarene Compassionate Ministries. Get Involved!
Wednesday Night Meals
Meals are served in the Fellowship Hall each Wednesday from 5:15-6:15 p.m. with a suggested donation of $7 per meal. Dine in or to go all makes your Wednesday Night easier!
Financial Peace University
Financial Peace (FPU) utilizes Dave Ramsey’s materials. FPU can teach you how to get out of debt and stay out of debt. FPU also teaches how to manage the resources God has given us.
Lower Elk River Ministerial Association
1 Timerdale Drive
Elkview, WV 25071
LERMA helps feed
& clothe the neediest people within a
10-mile radius
of Elkview, WV.
Hours of Operation
Tuesdays 9 am-Noon
Prison Ministry
We provide Bible Study and encouragement, in conjuction with the Gideons, to South Central Regional inmates who desire to learn more about Jesus Christ. Let us know if you are interested in serving in this ministry!